
Monday, 25 February 2013

Spring is on its way

Although all the Leeson House staff are still wrapped up in scarves, hats and gloves (even Barry hasn't dared don the shorts) there are some brave little plants putting smiles on our faces as they begin to bloom, letting us know spring is not far off. 

Cherry Blossom
Snow Drops


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Wildlife and Activity Weekend

This weekend Leeson House held another 'Wildlife and Activity' residential. Enthusiastic children found the first returning Great Crested Newts in our ponds and saw Badgers, a fox, Roe deer and heard several Tawny Owls while out on the Nightwalk.

Looking for the ringed birds we had just released.

Cased Caddis Fly, Hoglouse and True Damselfly Larvae
Male Great Crested Newt
Watching the first Great Crested Newt caught this year